Commencing 08:00Hrs with 24Hrs acces
Access for Space Only Contractors and Exhibitors.
From 12:00Hrs
Access for ALL Shell Scheme Exhibitors to set up their stand.
Till 19:00Hrs
- Space-only Exhibitors – All stands, exhibits and displays needs to be completed.
- Shell Scheme Exhibitors – All exhibits and displays need to be completed.
- All Exhibitors – All Stand fitting materials and equipment need to be removed from halls.
- All packing materials to be stored on stand or removed from halls.
All venue related requirements can be ordered online via Eventplus. All stand designs must be submitted and approved by the Operations team prior to fabrication.
Please observe the deadlines for ordering the services! (Updated deadlines coming soon.)
The maximum height for Space Only stands is as follows, including name sign or trademark. All Space Only Exhibitors must follow the height grading system:
Halls 1, 2, 3, 4 - The maximum height allowed is 6 metres
Exhibitors and their personnel who need to access the exhibition halls during the event must register for an EXHIBITOR BADGE.
- Exhibitor badges are strictly reserved for use by exhibitors and their stand staff and should not be transferred or “lent” to non-exhibiting personnel/visitors. Any visiting staff should register as a visitor.
- No request for an exhibitor badge should be made for any person below the age of 21.
- An Exhibitor Badge permits access to the exhibition halls during the build-up and open days of the show.
- Badges must be worn by exhibitors at all times, as strict security will be maintained on the exhibition site.
- If a badge is lost or misplaced, please report the loss to the organiser’s office. A duplicate badge will be issued on the expressed condition that the lost badge was issued in the first place
The deadline to apply for exhibitor badges is 27 August 2024. No badges can be deleted, replaced or edited after the deadline.
The number of badges available corresponds directly with the space booked, as follows:
Size (sq m) | Allocation of Badges |
Less than 6 | 3 |
7-10 | 5 |
11-15 | Stand 10 |
16-25 | 15 |
26-501 | 20 |
51-100 | 25 |
101-120 | 30 |
121-170 | 35 |
171-200 | 40 |
201-250 | 50 |
251-300 | 60 |
301-upwards | 70 |
The Print@Home link will appear within the Exhibitor Badge section of the Online Manual, 1 week prior to the event and upon all payments having been cleared.
Make sure you:
- Print your badges before coming to the show venue.
- At the event, collect your sanitized lanyard and badge-holder from any of the Info Desks
Badges are non-transferable. Badge-holders must present valid identifications. Anyone found to be in violation will be liable to pay a penalty of AED 3000 and denied entry into the event.
NOTE: The Print@Home Link will only be provided once all payments have been cleared with the show team.
Should you require assistance with regard to your exhibitor badge request/registration, please e-mail:
Exhibitors will be able to take over their stands as follows:
- Space Only’ stands can start delivery as of the first day of tenancy.
- Exhibitors with ‘Shell Scheme’ are prohibited from setting up exhibits, etc, before the times stated in the Timetable unless special permission has been obtained from DWTC.
All exhibits must be positioned on the stand and every arrangement completed by 19.00hrs on Monday, 23 September 2024. The Exhibitor must provide all labour for delivery and removal of exhibits but, in default, DWTC may do whatever it considers necessary at the expense and risk of the Exhibitor. Stands not completed by this time may have their Performance Bond withheld.
Any goods that have not been properly placed or unpacked by 19.00hrs on Monday, 23 September 2024 will be liable to be removed at the expense and risk of the Exhibitor. DWTC will take every precaution to ensure that goods are carefully handled, but under no circumstances will DWTC accept responsibility for any loss, shortage and/or damage to goods belonging to an Exhibitor, its agents or Contractors, however incurred.
- Exhibits cannot be removed from the building during the Show without the consent of the DWTC.
- Full breakdown arrangements will be issued to Exhibitors during the Show.
At the close of the Show exhibits can be removed as follows:
- All “Shell Scheme” exhibits must be removed between 18.00hrs and 22.00hrs on Thursday, 26 September 2024.
- All Other Halls, any goods remaining after 16.00 hrs on Friday 27 September 2024 will be removed by DWTC at the Exhibitor’s expense and risk.
TYPE | COMPANY | Email Id | Telephone No. |
Venue Services - AV, Internet, Power, Rigging, Catering, Cleaning, Water & Waste & Signage | Event Plus | | 800 DWTC (3982) |
Florist | Blooms | | +971 4 394 6094 / 3321255 |
Official Show Contractor | DXB Live | | +971 4 389 3901 |
On-site Handling , Shipping and Transportation | Al Naboodah Logistics LLC | | +971 4 4559099 Ext: 204 |
Refrigeration & Catering Equipment | Lowe Refrigeration | | +4428 9260 4619 |
Raise your profile at the show and benefit from an increase in ROI and visitors to your stand. A host of sponsorship opportunities exist around ISM Middle East, before, during, and after the show, with ideas and packages to fit every budget.
Choose from signage and banners inside and outside the venue, registration messages, mailer sponsorship, events, innovation awards branding as well as high visibility online with web banners and email advertising